Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012

little sister.

it´s my little sister´s birthday. I love her from my heart. so I try to make the day a good one for her. with some laughter, some presents and a cake. happy birthday, my love!

Freitag, 27. Juli 2012


I love to invest. in friendships. in my family. in love. in good food. I also invest in clothing, shoes and all that stuff you don´t really need. and when I am in the garden with friends, having good times together, eating, laughing, playing with the kids everything seems so clear and simple. why do we all forget so often that you don´t need so much to be happy? going on to invest. in friendships, family and love. 

Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

living in the garden.

I wish I could stay in our garden the whole summer. it´s like a oasis. when we are there all the stressfull things disappear. so this is a request for more summer, more blue skies, more garden-living!

Montag, 16. Juli 2012

damn wonderful.

selah sue, you are so damn wonderful.

love. colours. friends.

obsession I: brioche, nutella and a glas of milk.
obsession II: cooking- the vegetarian style
obsession III: spontaneous dinner with friends

Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

an ode to summer.

everybody here is longing for summer. a real summer. a period of warm temperatures, of sunlight, of cold drinks, of hanging your feets in rivulet, of long evenings outside with friends. but it´s raining and the sky is grey. so you have to help yourself and dream a little bit. that video might be the right inspiration:


this video by kinfolk. it´s so nice. but it´s much nicer to know that moments like that don´t excist only online but in real life, too. with my wonderful friends. in our wonderful garden. it´s so nice to know.

Samstag, 7. Juli 2012


and it´s always nice to have some good food on the table. and it´s much nicer to share this with some friends.

the nest.

a weekend at home. buying some fresh flowers at the market (this time some lovely vetches. they are really great!), a book from the second-hand bookshop and my almost favorite flowers on the balcony.